With the funding challenge now safely behind us (thanks again Michael Spinks!), we're now ready to get started. So that meant getting in touch with Andy Day from the Hackney Council Parks Department.
Andy starts work every morning at 7.30am. So to meet with him, you have to get up EARLY. But when you do, it's completely worth it. Not only is he enthusiastic, passionate and really nice, he's also incredibly helpful. When we met up earlier today, he offered to help by preparing the ground before we sow the seeds.
Essentially, that means digging the ground by hand to break it up and make it easier for the seeds to get a foot hold (or root hold, or whatever). As the ground is quite hard and full of rocks, this is a pretty tough job. But almost right away, his team got to work. And within days or meeting him, most of the ground was freshly dug and perfectly prepared. Frankly, it's a massive job. So Andy's saved us hours of time (and done one of the hardest parts for us).
What's more, he's also ordered a big tractor to do the same thing further inside the site - but on a much bigger scale. Which will save us days of hard labour too. Thanks Andy!
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