Thursday, 18 October 2012

Gardening club - week six

Our final gardening club for the year was extra special - because it wasn't about gardening at all! Instead, artist Penny Sadubin came along to teach everyone how to make crafts and jewellery using natural materials growing in and around the meadow.  It was a great session - and the perfect end to a fantastic year full of free activities!

Using a handy coat-hanger, Penny pushed out the soft middle-part of a stem of Elder to make beads.
The finished article, complete with conker and a fresh sprig of leaves.
Even the trees got a bit of jewellery! We left these ones here as a lasting (but biodegradeable) reminder of all the great stuff we've done on the meadow this year.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Gardening club - week five

We had a great turn out at our last session - so we did loads of planting, watering, mulching, raking and seed-sowing! With autumn setting in, we did it just in time too - because now the plants will be able to settle into their new home before it gets properly cold. And that means we'll have a spectacular spring next year!

There's only one more gardening club session left this year - making jewellery and crafts using woodland materials with artist Penny Sadubin. So come along on Wednesday 17 October, 4pm-6pm and get crafty!
The highlight of the day was planting our new Family Apple Tree, which has three different apple varieties, all grafted onto one tree! The three types will flower at the same time, to make it easy for our local bees to cross-pollinate them, and make sure they produce plenty of fruit. The varieties are: Cox's Orange Pippin, Bramley and James Grieve.

Preparing the ground for the Family Apple Tree.
Digging for victory (well, apples)!

We also planted some mint and lemon verbena under the trees - which smell amazing!
Another verbena planted. Nice work!
Clearing the ground before seed-sowing.
A well-earned rest.
Hooray for Mabley Meadow's new gardeners!

Friday, 5 October 2012

Gardening club - week four

What a brilliant gardening club session! This week we planted a Cherry Plum tree (laden with delicious cherries) and a Concorde Pear (which is a fantastic variety). And both of them came from the Hackney Tree Nursery just up the road from the meadow. Their trees are of incredible quality, so if you ever need one for your garden, drop in to see them!

We also planted clumps of crocuses and drumstick alliums, and found some interesting creepie crawlies under the autumn leaves.

Next week, we'll be planting a crab apple tree and sowing seeds, so join us on the meadow on Wednesday 10, from 4pm-6pm!