Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Sowing the seeds of 2012

Last Saturday, a dedicated group of volunteers got to work sowing the next batch of wildflowers that'll help brighten up the meadow in 2012. We've shaken things up a bit this year by sowing more traditional meadow seeds (perennial flowers mixed with grass), so next spring will look slightly different from the last couple of years - but still amazing. Special thanks to Sue, Alix and Stuart for a sterling seed-sowing effort!

Mabley's Willow Weavers

On 25 September, artist Elsa Godfrey brought her amazing willow ball to the meadow and invited everyone and anyone to get involved and weave a new piece of willow into it. The ball started off life as a piece commissioned for Landscape of Change, a recent exhibition at BHVU Gallery, Stoke Newington - and it'll be growing even bigger over the next few months. To follow it's progress, take a look here.